Tag: recruitment

  • Starting your Career off strong

    Starting your Career off strong

    If you’re taking the first step into your career, where do you start? It’s that time of year, when companies like Deloitte get invited to speak to lots of University’s, and organise events to publicise their Graduate and career entry schemes. In the last month I’ve been lucky enough to speak to students at the…

  • New Role, Who Dis?

    New Role, Who Dis?

    6 weeks into my new role; how looks this part of the world? So today marks the start of week 7 of my time at Deloitte Digital; and as I sit on the train down to London for the first day of a 2 day Senior Leadership away day for the Digital Consulting folks; I…

  • Onboarding – It’s an experiance

    Onboarding – It’s an experiance

    Every time we start a role at a new company, we go through Onboarding; and for every company it’s different; so what are the things we need to be considering as we try to perfect the onboarding experience, especially in this more virtual/remote/hybrid working world. Having just gone through this process again with Deloitte; I…

  • The managers guide to understanding ADHD

    The managers guide to understanding ADHD

    (and why it’s often misunderstood for CIS women in particular) Let’s talk about ADHD We’ve all seen characters with ADHD on TV and in books etc, try and think of a few examples and I bet they all fit in one stereotypical box; “the naughty young white boy acting out in class”. But not only…

  • Making User Centred Design more inclusive

    Making User Centred Design more inclusive

    How do we support people from minority or disadvantaged backgrounds to get a career in User Centred Design? If you look around for ways to get a careers in Digital/Tech, you would probably trip over half a dozen Apprenticeships, Academies or Earn as you Learn Schemes; not to mention Graduate Schemes; without even trying. However,…

  • We need to talk about salary

    A massive pet peeve of mine is when I see roles that don’t advertise their salary clearly; and I’m aware they are plenty of others out there who share my annoyance. So why aren’t we as employers better about being open about pay? I think ‘growing up’ in the civil service spoiled me when it…

  • Do Civil Servants dream of woolly sheep?

    The frustration of job descriptions and their lack of clarity. One of the biggest and most regularly occurring complaints about the Civil Service (and public sector as a whole) is their miss-management of commercial contracts. There are regularly headlines in the papers accusing Government Departments & the Civil Servants working in them of wasting public…

  • Having pride in our diversity and learning to be inclusive

    June is Pride Month when members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies come together in different ways to celebrate, remember and reflect. As such, now June is over, I wanted to reflect on the things I learnt this year. This June was a Pride Month like no over, because of COVID-19; lockdown meant that…

  • We’re all a little weird down here

    Yesterday Dominic Cummings, the PM’s senior aid, wrote in his blog about the need for number 10 to hire assorted super talented weirdos, unusual software developers, fantastic communicators and great project mangers (amongst other things). This clarion call for change in the public sector followed up from his previous statements about the need for change…